Comprehensive Guide on Word2Vec
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Word2Vec obtains vector representations of words using either of the following two techniques:
Continuous bag-of-words (CBOW)
Continuous bag-of-words (CBOW)
Consider the following text:
I love travelling to Tokyo and eating Japanese food
The objective of CBOW is to predict a word given its context, that is, its surrounding words. For instance, given the context ("love", "to")
, we want to predict the word "travelling"
. The size of the context is known as the window size. If we take the window size to be 2, then the context of "travelling"
becomes ("I", "love", "to", "Tokyo")
The Skip-Gram approach is the inverse of CBOW, that is, the objective is to predict the context (surrounding words) given a word.
Once again, consider the following text:
I love travelling to Tokyo and eating Japanese food
Suppose the window size is 2, that is, we extract 2 words to the left and 2 words to the right of the input word.
Suppose the input word is the first word I
. The corresponding targets would be as follows:
Notice how there are no words to the left of the word I, and hence we only have 2 targets here. Here, we actually have two separate training data items to feed into the neural network:
When the input is
, then the target label islove
When the input is
, then the target label istravelling
For the first training data item in which the input is I
and the target label is love
, the neural network look the following:

Note the following:
the neural network is 2-layered, which means that there is only one hidden layer
the number of neurons (or units) in the input layer corresponds to the size of the vocabulary, that is, the number of unique words in the corpus. In this case, the corpus is small and the vocabulary size is 9.
the number of neurons in the output layer would also be the vocabulary size.
the hidden layer consists of 300 neurons, that is, the weight matrix, $W$, from the input layer to the hidden layer would have 300 columns. After training, each row of the weight matrix $W$ corresponds to a vector representation of a word. This means that each word will be represented by a vector of size 300.
For the second training data item in which the input is I
and the output is travelling
, the neural network would look the following:

Just as another example, suppose the input word is travelling
. The corresponding targets would be as follows:
Here, we have a total of four separate training data items to feed into the neural network:
When the input is
, then the target label isI
When the input is
, then the target label islove
When the input is
, then the target label isto
When the input is
, then the target label isTokyo
For the case when the input is travelling
, and the target label is I
, the neural network would be as follows:

For the case when the input is travelling
, and the target label is Tokyo
, the neural network would be as follows:

Can you see how just from a short sentence, we already end up with a large number of training data items. In a more practical scenario, the corpus that will be used to build the Word2Vec model is extremely large, and therefore the size of the training data set will be large as well.
Word embedding
The matrix multiplication between the one-hot vector and the weight matrix results in simply knocking out one row of the weight matrix:
The weight matrix $\mathbf{W}$ is known as distributed representation, or word embedding, of the words in the corpus. Interestingly, the “sense” of the words are captured, or encoded, by this distributed representation. For simplicity, suppose the window size is one. This means that we take one word to the left of the target, and one word to the right of the target. Each data item, then, would consist of two one-hot vectors. The big picture of our model is as follows: